It is important to keep our body in the shape. getting a fit body is everyone’s dream and as a woman, we have a responsibility of our family. A woman serves the food to the family and it is important to keep everyone fit in the family. Losing weight is not that tough that it seems it is very easy if we follow some rule of a healthy lifestyle. If you facing trouble in what to do make food for your family and how to get them fit then here some tips for you to follow.
Why can’t you get stick with your diet plan?
You find losing weight tough because of the diet plan that you make, your diet plan include that food which didn’t fulfil your body requirement and after eating that food your body not feel full and then you can’t get stick with diet plan so losing weight first it is important to decide right food for eating. Here some tips on how to keep fit with your family.
In your family there are child, your partner and parents and you have to follow different plan to keep them fit. firstly talk about how to keep fit your child
If your child facing the problem of overeating then it is important to give him a healthy diet. But how to decide what food to give your child. The intake of food depends on age, length and gender. It is important to maintain their fitness according to their age.
If your child is between 1 to 6 age.
At this age, the child didn’t gain weight or gain slowly. You have to make sure that your child doing activity like jumping and running because this play a huge role in there development and how to give them a healthy diet here are some tips.
1. Stay away from fast food
Fast food on the plate gives you more calories and fat so instead of fast food keep healthy fruit and vegetables on their plate and a whole grain like pasta, rice and bread is a good option for your child. This food gives fibre to them and they feel full after some time and if they don’t like to eat this food then try to make this food differently.
2. Don’t let them have soda drink because soda gives unnecessarily sugar which is not needed instead of soda give them fresh juice of fruit.
3. Make sure they eat four to five times a day. three-time full meal and two-time snack give them a whole meal in a day.
If your child is between 7 to 10
In most of the cases the child in this age stay in the same weight or slowly gain weight, so keep them fit you can follow some rules like
Healthy food
Keep healthy food in your kitchen is the best way to eat your child healthy food. For example, give them choice between healthy food, not healthy food, and unhealthy food. According to neutrinos if you give them choice between a banana and an orange then it is easier for them to choose.
2. Fix their screen time
Kids at this age spend their most of time on smartphone, TV and computer and this habit is gain weight .child of this age need to do some exercise like playing and swimming.
1. Some studies say it is good if you take your child to the kitchen at this age. Because of this, they will know the value of healthy food and also you have to give them small task like picking a Menu and pick the vegetable for a day.
2. Teach them how being healthy is important and you should also follow that rule.
Age between 11 to 17
1.Child at this age needs to stay fit. You have to decide how much weight is good for them according to BMI and for more information, it is good if you take doctor suggestion.
2. At this age the child want to decide everything as his choice but it is important to know what they are eating, so keep them stay away from the screen and fast food and add more healthy food to their plate.
3. According to some nutrition the child is very sensitive at this age so don’t confuse them with numbers like you have gained weight or lose weight instead of this you have to teach them healthy habits and inspire them to be healthy, teach them how a healthy body is important for a good life style.
Meal time with family
1. You have to make sure that your child is eating food with family. According to a survey child who eats with family is more healthy than a child who doesn’t eat with the family.
2. How to support your child
If your child is stressed because of weight then try to figure out what’s the thing that makes them tensed, is they are bullied by a student in school or want a body like their favourite celebrity. After you figure out the problem teach them to lose weight is not a thing to look good it is a way of a healthy lifestyle.
How to lose weight of your family
1. Don’t let them skip their meal
Most of the time we didn’t care about eating food and the habit of skipping a meal is tend to gain weight so if you want to keep fit your family then you have to make sure that your family member didn’t skip the meal and take a proper meal time to time. Fix the time of lunch and dinner may help you with this.
2. Make sure they are drinking water from time to time
Gain weight needs to keep full your body and water fulfil this requirement. By drinking water, you can balance your weight so make sure your family members drinking water from time to time.
3. Do something special every day
You have to turn boring food into interesting food, you can do this by making something special every day
4. Try to include vegetables in every meal
Veggies are an important food for losing weight. veggie gives you a sufficient amount of minerals and fibre.
5. Try to eat them an immune booster meal
For a healthy body it is important to make your immune system strong so try to include food like potatoes, kale, spinach, carrot and pumpkin seed. This food boosts your immune system.